When are my items due?


Physical Items

Most items, including books, DVDs, audiobooks, CDs, magazines, and Library of Things items check out for 3 weeks

  • Hotspots and laptops check out for 1 week
  • Book Club in a Bag Kits check out for 6 weeks
  • Interlibrary loan materials may have different checkout periods set by the lending library

Digital Items

Digital materials have different check-out periods depending on the resource.

  • Overdrive/Libby ebooks and digital audiobooks: up to 21 days
  • Enki ebooks: up to 21 days
  • hoopla: varies by format
    • digital audiobooks – 21 days
    • ebooks – 21 days
    • music – 7 days
    • movies and TV shows – 3 days

These materials are automatically returned at the end of the checkout period. The amount of materials you can check out at a time and the amount of items you can have on hold depends on the type of library card you have. 



Most items may be renewed once automatically (two days before the due date) and up to two more times manually by logging into your account or contacting the library. Sign up for email notifications to be alerted when your items are automatically renewed. Items are only eligible for renewal if no one else has placed a hold.

Sometimes items cannot be renewed. Here are some common reasons why:

  • Another patron has placed a hold request on the item
  • Charges on the borrower account are $10.00 or more
  • There are 25 or more overdue items on the account
  • The item has already been renewed once automatically. Log into your account to renew or contact the library to renew items manually up to two more times.
  • There is a balance due on a Lost/Replacement item

Renewals are for an additional 21 day period from the date of the renewal.

  • Last Updated Oct 07, 2023
  • Views 229
  • Answered By SBPL Staff

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