I live in Santa Barbara. Why can't I sign up for an eCard?


You can sign up for an SBPL eCard if you live in the Santa Barbara Public Library service area and do not already hold an SBPL Library Card. 

Not all "Santa Barbara" addresses fall into SBPL's service area. Most notably, the unincorporated area between Santa Barbara and Goleta (also known as Noleta) falls into the Goleta Valley Public Library's service area. Library jurisdictions are decided by the County of Santa Barbara, and you can find a Library Zone Map at this link

SBPL Library Cards are available to California residents, or to anyone with valid identification and a California mailing address. If you live outside of SBPL's jurisdiction, you can sign up for a card in-person at one of our Library locations. Please consult our website at this link to be sure you bring everything that you'll need with you. 


  • Last Updated Jun 29, 2022
  • Views 141
  • Answered By SBPL Staff

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