Why is my library card expiring?





Why is my library card expiring?

  • eCards expire one year from the date issued. Visit any SBPL location to convert to an All Access card prior to the expiration date.


  • Cards issued to individuals who live outside the SBPL service area expire one year from the date issued. Individuals must visit an SBPL location to renew their card annually.


  • If you’ve recently turned 18 and had a TEEN library card, you’ll need to visit any SBPL location to upgrade your card to an ADULT card.


Can I renew my E-Card online without coming into the library?

  • In order to have continued access to ebooks, audiobooks, music, movies, and all of our digital resources, you’ll need to come in person to any of our SBPL locations with ID and proof of current mailing address


(For out of SBPL service area cardholders): Why do I have to come back every year to renew my card?

This provides an opportunity for library staff to update your contact information.  Keeping this information up to date helps us measure our impact on surrounding communities and can affect how libraries are funded.  Thank you for helping us keep our data current!


(For E-Card holders): Why do I have to physically come into the library to renew my card?  All e-cards are set to expire one year from the date issued.  This is explained when patrons choose the ecard option on the sbpl website.  This provides an opportunity to ensure our data is current and allows the patron an opportunity to access all of our collections.  

  • Last Updated Mar 30, 2023
  • Views 357
  • Answered By SBPL Staff

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